The National ID card is very important for identifying any person. People who lost their NID cards should have gone to Thana for G.D. Election Commission and services. authorities want to remind everyone about re-issuing their new NID cards. If you have a damaged NID, then these guidelines will help you apply for a new NID through the below application form. If you have any errors or mistakes in the information on your lost application form, the EC authorities will reject your application. So, you must fill in all the information correctly and submit it to your upazila or EC office.
Lost NID card Application
What to do if you lose your NID card from Bangladesh? Here’s an easy step to get your lost NID Smart card or regular ID card through offline.
- Download the NID Lost Application form (attached below this article)
- Fill in all the information correctly (name, birth registration number, NID number, parents’ NID info, driving licence, passport number, etc. that you have)
- Payment fee and transaction details are required.
- Signature of yours and your parents’ (similar to your old NID card)
After doing all that process, they will give you a Form-6 that you have to collect to collect your new NID card. Download Lost NID card Application Form and submit it to Upazila or EC Office. Pay your Service charge and get form-6 to collect new NID card.
National ID Correction (NID কার্ড সংশোধন) –
Must check
National ID card check & Download (আইডি কার্ড চেক করুন) –
How to get National ID card Bangladesh (নতুন ভোটার কার্ড করুন)
Online birth certificate verification (জন্ম নিবন্ধন যাচাই) –
Surokkha gov bd vaccine(ভ্যাকসিন সার্টিফিকেট) management App
EC will send a smart card to the person who approves the new application. You could get your lost national identity card after reviewing your submitted application. Wait and get an update from Upazila and also from your mobile SMS. I hope you are doing all the process very carefully. Keep supporting us by reading and sharing this informative news with your Facebook friends.