Bangladesh nid application system 2024 (নতুন ভোটার কার্ড করুন)

Bangladesh’s NID application system is accepting new national ID card applications online. Anyone who is a citizen of Bangladesh and has a birth registration card is able to apply for a new NID card by following rules. If you do not have a national ID, you can apply for a new one. We don’t recommend to use fake nid card make apps. Without using NID card maker get your 2024 smart card following below guidelines.

Which documents are necessary to Register National ID card?

  • Certificate of Birth Registration
  • JSC/SSC/HSC Certificate
  • Passport, driving license, or TIN certificate (if available)
  • Utility bill copy (as proof of address)
  • Attested photocopy of Father’s, mother’s, husband, or wife’s NID.

Online NID Application System 2024

Log in to the Bangladesh NID Application System website and then select View/Edit profile. You can see a draft application on the profile edit page. Fill in all the information correctly. There is personal information, identification and address information that you need to type by yourself.

Apply for National ID
Apply for National ID
  • First, go to this webpage (
  • Click the Get Started button. Apply for a Fresh New National ID card Online.
  • Fill in your full name in English.
  • Fill in the blanks with your correct or exact date of birth.
  • Complete the captcha code showing the above word, then click the Continue button.
New Voter ID register
New Voter ID register
service nidw mobile number verification
  • Give your mobile number and click the “Send SMS” button.
  • Within 1 minute, you will receive a six-digit verification code in your inbox. Then enter the 6 digit verification code and click Continue.
NID create online account

N.B: If you did not receive the code, please wait for at least 1 minute and click on “Re-send” after the specified time to get a new code.

nid card new registration

Create your username and password to secure your account on’s official website.

Write any username and password and click the Continue button.

NID Info profile page

On this page you will see your profile details for viewing and editing. Also, you can change your password on this page. For Create New NID, we have to click on the Profile edit page.

Now this is the main part of making a new national ID card online. 

NID address edit online

Click the Edit button on the right side of the corner, then enter all of your personal information, identification information, and address correctly.

Type in your personal information:

  • Name in Bangla
  • Select Gender
  • Choose the right blood group
  • Type in the birth registration number.
  • Choose a birthplace

Give your father’s information:

  • Type your father’s name in Bangla.
  • Again, type your father’s name in English.
  • Give your father’s NID card number

Mother’s information:

Complete this task as your father’s information, checking the above guidelines.

Spouse’s Information: 

Select your marital status. If you select married, then write your wife or husband’s name and NID number. 

Now click on the Next Tab (Identification Information).

  1. Select educational qualifications in Bangla.
  2. Choose your occupation.
  3. You don’t need to select “Disability” if you have no issues. 
  4. Identification Mark, TIN info, driving license number, passport number, telephone number, all are optional. If you wish, you could give that information.
  5. Select your religious status.
  6. After completing that, click the next tab “Address”.
  7. Select your country of residence as Bangladesh.
  8. Choose your present and permanent address very carefully. If your addresses are the same, then it’s OK. If they are different, then choose your voter address correctly (it may be your present or permanent address).

N.B: Must fill in where a red star (*) is available. So don’t worry if you are unable to provide that kind of information.

Then, press the Next button.

Click Next to Provide Documents. If you don’t need to upload any documents, then click the next button.

NID Document Required

Congratulations! You are on the last step of submitting your new NID card. No necessary documents are needed for this request.

Click the next button once more.

Before submitting your application, you may check your previous page for all the information by clicking the Back button. After revision of all your information, click the “Submit” button. When you click the submit button, you have a pending application with the Election Commission Board.

Download NID Application Copy online

Now you will see a Download button to collect the NID Application form.

Download & Print
Example of New NID Application Form.
Example of New NID Application Form.

Very Important – Sim Registration Check Bangladesh – সিম রেজিস্ট্রেশন চেক

Print your application form after downloading it from the NID Pub Citizen Submission website. After reviewing your online application, the Bangladesh Election Commission will decide if you are eligible to get your NID card or not. If your application is successfully approved by the EC, then you will get an SMS within 1 month. After receiving your SMS, go to your nearest Upazila/Election Commission Office to give your finger and picture. That’s all about registering a new voter ID online. Thanks for continuing to read the nid application system guidelines. To support us, please share this page on your social pages like Facebook, Twitter, etc. You are most welcome to our next valuable guidelines about any issues that people are facing in Bangladesh.

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