Surokkha gov bd vaccine certificate Download

Covid vaccine registration are easy for using suraksha app. Official website surokkha gov bd vaccine certificate download process written on this article. Covid-19 surokkha vaccine registration is totally free for all people in Bangladesh. After complete surokkha gov bd vaccine registration you will receive vaccine card download as a pdf format through surokkha gov bd. Surokkha covid 19 registration (করোনা ভ্যাকসিন নিবন্ধন) for the people who are student, Farmer, Govt service holder etc above 18 years old. For different occupation surokkha gov bd registration has different guide. certificate download

Surokkha gov bd vaccine card for the people who complete their all doze. After complete your vaccine you must have to get Surokkha gov bd (ভ্যাকসিন সার্টিফিকেট ডাউনলোড) certificate. Now we will give you simple process on how you will registration (ভ্যাকসিন নিবন্ধন) from surokkha bd.

 Page 1: Type your personal address

  • Go to registration page. ( )
  • Select Citizen Registration (18 years & above) for Identity verification.
  • Type NID Number, Date of birth (according to national identity card)
  • Write the letters from above
  • Click Verify Button. registration

Page 2: verifying national identity card and mobile number

Check personal information, Type Mobile Number and select your Division, District, Upazila/City Corporation, Union/Thana, ward etc.
Select your vaccine center name and click save button

surokkha gov bd certificate


Type National Identity Card Number, Date of Birth & Captcha then click Verify button.
Check your Mobile Message option and type your OTP code on that box.
Now click ভ্যাকসিন কার্ড ডাউনলোড to save it on your Device as a PDF format.

surokkha bd gov vaccine card download

Important Link:

Another way_ surokkha app download on your smartphone and complete surokkha registration like this. We are always try to help our audience providing very informative news & guides through If you face any problem downloading surokkha gov bd certificate ভ্যাকসিন কার্ড then check their FAQ page. Thanks for keep reading our article. Share this link with your friends on Facebook.

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