Sim registration check(সিম রেজিস্ট্রেশন দেখুন)- how to check sim registration

Check Sim registration online by using your NID card. Robi, Airtel, Banglalink, Teletalk, and Grameenphone sim registration check through btrc or using the dial code (any operator) written below this article. Without an internet connection, nid sim registration in Bangladesh is very simple. Using my nid card, we will be able to find the total number of registered sims. To check my sim registration details, I could follow these tips.

To check SIM card registration, all operators have a unanimous code that can be used. Simply dial *16001# and a pop-up will appear on your screen. Then, enter the last four digits of your National ID (NID) and press enter. After doing so, you will receive a message that contains a list of phone numbers that are registered under that particular NID. This is a simple and convenient way to check your SIM card registration status.

Dial *16001# from any operator and reply with Last 4 Digit of ID NID Number. Or Type Last 4 digit NID Number and send to 16001.

Lots of people ask me about SIM Kar Name Registration 🙂 and how to cancel a registered sim. We can do everything just by staying at home.We are able to check sim card registration name in Bangladesh through online or mobile SMS.

SIM Registration Check Code

Mobile Operator NamesRegistration Dial Code
Airtel *121*4444#
Grameenphonetype “info” send to 4949
Teletalktype “info” send to 1600
Status Check Code *1600*1#
How many sim registered in my nid
How many sim registered in my nid?

A maximum of 15 SIM cards from any operator can be registered under one NID. Now check yours by following the above method.

How do I cancel my BD sim registration?

Any SIM user who wishes to cancel or deactivate their account must contact the relevant customer service. Now everything is updated, so you may call your operator hotline number with your NID card to cancel your sim registration from Bangladesh.

How to check how many SIM are registered on my nid in Bangladesh?

You can check sim registration by dialing the desired code.

How to check my sim registration details?

Using a national ID card, anyone can check SIM registration details from any mobile phone.

How to check sim card registration name in Bangladesh?

Dial *16001# (any mobile operator) & enter the last 4 digits of your NID to check your sim card registration name.

Check also –

I hope you have now gotten your result by dialing the above code. For more details about mobile services, share this article with your social accounts like Facebook, Twitter to support us. We are always here to provide you with the correct information about mobile operator offers. Thanks for continuing to read the btrc sim registration check method from our website.

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