PSC result 2021 marksheet news last update news.Primary school certificate PSC result 2021. PSC result with marksheet 2021 will be published on this page. Primary School exam result are published by . Now we discuss full process about how to check your primary school certificate PSC result 2021 marksheet by online .Bangladesh primary result and EBT result 2020 Will published same day at same time.Directorate of primary education dpe official website will published psc result 2021 Bangladesh full marks sheet on the result date .Let’s check about how you can easily get your PSC result with full marksheet .
Must See: JSC Result 2021
In Bangladesh PSC is also known as (প্রাথমিক সমাপনী) examination. In our country PSC exam was start on 2009. after 2 years later the grading system is added on 2011.There are total 51.78 lakh student attend primary school certificate examination.
PSC result 2021 Marksheet
We are going to share with you about primary education certificate PSC result 2020.After getting your result you can collect your certificate in March 2021.For collect your certificate you must need to contact with your Primary School headmaster. there also another offer that the student who got highest Score in psc result 2021 Bangladesh will given the PSC scholarship in Bangladesh . we also update about PSC scholarship application form and PSC scholarship result in our website .Every year most of the bank in Bangladesh of offer PSC scholarship. You don’t need to worry about PSC scholarship now talk about primary school certificate exam result 2021 .
Let`s check your PSC Scholarship Result
The examination was held in 7194 center,including 11 different centre in our country. Most of the people search for class 5 final result Somaponi result 2021, DPE result 2021 etc. Primary School Certificate result 2021 BD exam Counter Information Delivered by DPE Authority. Primary final result for Madrasah board and general Education Board published by same time. There are total 3230 288 examine attend in 2021. all of them 29 3053 PSC examine and 299715 for Ebtedayee.
PSC Exam Result 2021
Who don`t like to get there final result by mobile phone ? In this short post I will give you a SMS format to Get PSC Result 2021 in Bangladesh. Now all sim operator like Gramenphone, Robi, Banglalink are able to delivered Student PSC Result in 2021.
SMS format for General students:
DPE<space>Thana/Upazila Code Number<space>Roll Number<space>Send to 16222
Exp: DPE 47 2357 and send 16222
SMS format for Ebtedayee students:
EBT<space>Thana/Upazila Code Number<space>Roll Number<space>Send to 16222
Exp: EBT 47 5723 and send 16222
After trying all of this techniques You must get`s your Result of PSC examin BD. Everybody Know , PSC Exam Result and JSC Result 2021 both are published in same time. Don`t be unhappy if you are not get good result or fail. You are most welcome for your result by .PSC result marksheet 2021 Full pdf link coming soon ☺
Generally result published after 30 days of PSC examination. PSC examination result published by Department of Education Minister authority in Bangladesh. There are 6 subject in PSC examination and total 600 mark complete for every student . Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid handover PSC examination result. Let’s take a look below student results grading system.
Marks Range | Grade Point | Grade |
80-100 | 5 | A+ |
70-79 | 4 | A |
60-69 | 3.5 | A- |
50-59 | 3 | B |
40-49 | 2 | C |
33-39 | 1 | D |
0-32 | 0 | F |
Every Student Can calculate their GPA Grade with using above table, and we have providing some example for how to calculate student wise grade and subject wise grade also.
Primary School Certificate(PSC) result download website and SMS format are given below this post. Every student and their parents also get the result easily browsing this website. For check your result you have to collect some important document before check your result. You need to student division, student district, student roll number and Upazila name. PSC exam result 2021 full marksheet PDF download link will be ready for you.
Get PSC Result 2021 Marksheet by Online Result
Get your PSC Exam Result with Full Marksheet following below this short technique. Its super fast way to get your PSC Result very fast. Before check you need to setup 3G or 4G speed for better performance on that result date. Let`s check below your PSC result 2021 by online.For PSC Result 2021 and Follow below Step:
- Select your Exam Name such as PSC or EBT
- Choose your District Name
- Select your Thana/Upzilla Name or Code
- Select your Passing Year
- Give your Exam Roll and Submit For Get Result
All district PSC result 2021 with marksheet will be published in Bangladesh.PSC examination result published date will be changed for political issue in Bangladesh. so you don’t need to hopeless for your result because we will update every notification about PSC exam result 2021. PSC result published date their official site could be down for high traffic.Many internet expert make some website is copying result checker for the student who are searching psc result 2021 Bangladesh.
I hope you check your PSC result 2021 marksheet reading this post. if you unable to get your PSC exam result full marksheet then wait until the result update on official website. we are always support our student who live in Bangladesh and searching for educational tips, job news, job result or any results. Contact with us on Facebook if you don’t know how to get your PSC result. hope you will got GPA-5 in 2021. if you think your post is helpful for the student who are searching for PSC result Marksheet 2021 then feel free to share this post on your Facebook Twitter or Google Plus account. Thank you for visit my website and wish you all the best for your good result.