Medical status check online by passport number. Wafid medical report check online through updated medical status official website. at GCC Passport medical report check supports all devices. website has now officially changed to You don’t need to download any v2 gcchmc medical status applications. Medical report wafid com 2024 still working worldwide.
Medical status search is a tool provided by the Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services (GCBHS) that allows individuals to check the status of their medical records. This service is available for patients who have received care at GCBHS facilities and allows them to access their medical information online.
Medical Status check
There are a few easy steps to get your GCC online medical status, report, or slip. We don’t need to log in to medical check status online for Bangladesh gamca slip. Let’s follow the below steps to online medical report checking (মেডিকেল রিপোর্ট) through https medical status search.

- Go to (gcchmc New Website)
- Choose By passport number and nationality (most of the time it is selected by default).
- Type Passport No & select Nationality
- Complete captcha code by writing it in that box and clicking the “Generate” button.

A few seconds later, you could see your personal information, medical center information, and medical examination status. Print your saudi medical check, GAMCA medical report or download a pdf on your device without access medical.
Check also- BRTA DL Checker app

What is FOMEMA Medical Examination Status?”
FOMEMA stands for Foreign Workers Medical Examination Monitoring Agency, and it is an organization in Malaysia that is responsible for monitoring the medical examination status of foreign workers in the country. The FOMEMA medical examination status is a record of the results of the medical examinations that are conducted on foreign workers before they can begin working in Malaysia.
- Go to the website on your web browser.
- Once the website loads, you’ll see a form titled “Your Medical Examinations Results By Passport Number”.
- In the “Passport NO” field, enter the passport number for which you want to check the medical report.
- Choose the nationality associated with the passport from the dropdown menu.
- After entering the required information, click on the “Search” button.
- The website will then process your request and display the medical examination results associated with the provided passport number.
- Review the information presented to see the medical report details.
- If you need to print or save the report, you can do so using the options available on your web browser.
- Make sure to keep the information secure and only share it with authorized individuals or organizations as necessary.
- Once you have obtained the necessary information, you can close the browser or navigate away from the website.
Remember to ensure that you have the necessary authorization to access the medical report information before proceeding.
All countries listed as nationality countries are able to download and check medical status using the above method. If you face any problem with the GCCHMC check Passport medical status online or GCC slip, then read their FAQ page or Guidelines. Thanks for supporting us. Share this article with your friends via Facebook or other social media. We hope you are totally fit in your medical report.
Step-by-step process for Checking Your FOMEMA Medical Examination Status:

- Visit the official FOMEMA website at
- Enter your personal information, including your identification number and passport number, in the designated fields
- Click on the “Submit” button to verify your identity
- Once your identity has been verified, you will be able to view the results of your medical examination
- Review the results and take note of your FIT or UNFIT status
- If you have any questions or concerns about the results, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for professional medical advice.
Note: This process is only available for foreign workers who have undergone the medical examination process in Malaysia.
FIT (Fit for Work) and UNFIT (Unfit for Work) are terms used to indicate the outcome of a medical examination. When an individual is deemed FIT, it means that they have passed the medical examination and are considered healthy enough to perform the duties required for their job. On the other hand, if an individual is deemed UNFIT, it means that they have failed the medical examination and may be considered too ill or injured to perform the duties required for their job.
Is the FOMEMA medical examination status only available for foreign workers?
Yes, the FOMEMA medical examination status is only available for foreign workers who have undergone the medical examination process in Malaysia.
Is the FOMEMA medical examination status website secure?
Yes, the FOMEMA website uses state-of-the-art security measures to protect the confidentiality and privacy of the information provided.