Are you looking for rs khatian or Porcha for your land? If yes, then you are at the right place to check khaian online from eporcha gov bd. Get all eporcha, Khatian no, RS number, Mouja map & Vumi service (ভূমি সেবা/আর এস খতিয়ান) from this article. Keep reading for (অনলাইনে খতিয়ান দেখা) check all about land service online by land gov bd or official website.
Bangladesh namzari (ই নামজারি যাচাই) online website link – We provide full guideline on how you can check your khaitian number. From eporcha gov bd any person can check their online khatian number.
The Khatian search panel will provide you with the information you are looking for. The online Khatian application process is also super easy. Before try to find BS, CS, BRS, RS, SA, Peti, Diyara from land gov bd ministry of land (জমির খতিয়ান বের করার নিয়ম ) make sure you have know your Mouja name, Division, District and so on. Lets get porcha of land without eporcha gov bd login. As an example, follow the below steps for the RS Khatian check.

- Visit this link ( or
- Click here for the direct link to the Khatian Search Panel
- Select your division and district name.
- Choose a Khatian type (for example, we select RS)
- Choose Upazila and Mouza.
- Search by Khatian No, Dag No, land owner name, or father/husband name. (Choose any option)
- Enter the captcha code and then press the “অনুসন্ধান করুন” button.
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After completely doing all those steps, you can see “দাগ” No & “মালিক / দখলদার” Name List. Scroll down and click “আবেদন করুন” button if you want to apply for a khotian certificate online. Share this article with your friends or social accounts to support us. Keep visiting our website for more about eporcha gov bd online information. Thanks for staying with us.