Why Do My Emails Not Stay Deleted on My Iphone?

There are a few reasons why your emails might not stay deleted on your iPhone. One possibility is that you’re using an email account that doesn’t support iOS 11’s new mail features, like trash management. Another possibility is that you have multiple mail accounts set up on your device and the emails are being synced across all of them.

You can check if this is happening by going to Settings > Accounts & Passwords and seeing if the “Mail” toggle is turned on for each of your accounts. If it is, try turning it off for one or two of your accounts and see if that fixes the issue. Finally, it’s also possible that you have another app (like Gmail) configured to sync with your Mail app, which can cause deleted emails to reappear.

There are a few reasons why your emails might not stay deleted on your iPhone. One possibility is that you’re not actually deleting them – you’re just moving them to another folder. Another possibility is that your email server is set to keep a copy of every email, even after it’s been deleted from your inbox.

If you want to make sure your emails are really being deleted, go into the Settings app and tap on Mail, Contacts, & Calendars. Under the Accounts section, select the account where you’re having trouble deleting emails. Scroll down to the Advanced section and look for the Deleted Mailbox setting.

Tap on this and make sure it’s set to “Trash” instead of “Archive.” This will ensure that when you delete an email from your inbox, it gets moved to the Trash folder and is actually deleted from your device.

Why Do My Emails Not Stay Deleted on My Iphone?

Credit: 9to5mac.com

Why Won’T My Email Stay Deleted on My Iphone?

There are a few reasons that your email may not be staying deleted on your iPhone. One reason could be that you have multiple accounts set up on your device and you are only deleting emails from one account. Another possibility is that you have enabled the “archive” feature instead of “delete.”

To check which option you have turned on, go to Settings > Accounts & Passwords > Account > Advanced. If the “Archive” option is selected, this means that when you delete an email it will get moved to an “All Mail” folder instead of being permanently deleted. You can change this setting by tapping on the “Archive” button and selecting “Delete from Inbox.”

If neither of these options seem to be the issue, then it’s possible that there is a glitch with your iPhone or with the email server itself. Try restarting your device and see if that clears up the problem. If not, then contact your email provider for further assistance.

Why is My Iphone Not Deleting Messages?

If you’re wondering why your iPhone isn’t deleting messages, there are a few potential reasons. One possibility is that you have iOS 11 or later and “Keep Messages” is turned on in Settings -> Accounts & Passwords -> iCloud. With this setting enabled, your iPhone will keep all iMessage and SMS conversations on your device indefinitely, unless you manually delete them.

Another possibility is that you’ve reached the storage limit for your device and need to free up some space before messages can be deleted. To check your storage usage, go to Settings -> General -> About. If you’re close to or over the limit, try deleting some unused apps or files to make room for new messages.

If neither of these solutions solve the problem, it’s possible that there’s a bug causing the issue. In this case, restarting your iPhone may fix the problem. If not, contact Apple Support for further assistance.

Why Do My Emails Keep Downloading After I Delete Them?

When you delete an email from your inbox, it’s not actually deleted. It’s simply moved to a different location on the server. The email is still taking up space on the server, and will continue to do so until it’s purged.

There are a few reasons why your emails might keep downloading after you delete them. One possibility is that you’re using an email client that doesn’t support IMAP IDLE. This means that the client can’t receive push notifications from the server when new messages arrive, so it has to periodically check for new mail.

As a result, any messages that have been moved to the trash folder will be downloaded again each time the client checks for new mail. Another possibility is that you’ve configured your email client to leave messages on the server after they’ve been downloaded. This is often done so that you can access your emails from multiple devices, or if you want to archive your emails offline.

If this is the case, then you’ll need to change your settings so that messages are only downloaded temporarily, or set up message filters so that only certain types of email are left on the server (e.g., work emails). If neither of these solutions solve your problem, then there may be something wrong with how your email account is set up on the server side. In this case, you’ll need to contact your email provider for help troubleshooting the issue.

Why Won’T My Emails Delete on My Phone?

There are a few reasons why your emails might not be deleting on your phone. One possibility is that you have set up your email account on your phone to only sync messages from a certain date range. So if you’re trying to delete messages that are outside of that range, they won’t be deleted because they’re not actually stored on your phone.

Another possibility is that you have selected the option to archive messages instead of delete them. In this case, the messages are still stored on the server and can be accessed through your webmail or another email client. If you want to actually delete the messages, you’ll need to log in and delete them from the server.

Deleted Emails Keep Coming Back Iphone 2022

If you’ve ever deleted an email from your iPhone only to have it reappear in your inbox days or weeks later, you’re not alone. It’s a common problem that can be frustrating to deal with, especially if you’re trying to declutter your inbox. There are a few possible reasons why your deleted emails keep coming back on your iPhone.

One possibility is that you’re using an email account that uses the IMAP protocol instead of POP3. With IMAP, messages are never truly deleted from the server, even when you delete them from your phone. So when you open your inbox again, the messages will reappear.

If this is the case, one solution is to change your email account settings to use POP3 instead of IMAP. This will ensure that messages are actually deleted from the server when you delete them on your phone. Another solution is to set up a separate folder for deleted emails and move any messages you want to get rid of into that folder instead of deleting them outright.

That way they’ll be out of sight and won’t clutter up your main inbox anymore. Another possibility is that there’s something wrong with the iOS Mail app itself and it’s not syncing properly with the server. If this is the case, try deleting and re-adding your email account on your iPhone.

You may also want to try force quitting the Mail app and restarting your device to see if that clears up the problem. Hopefully one of these solutions will help fix the issue so those pesky deleted emails stop coming back on your iPhone!

Why Do My Deleted Emails Keep Coming Back Iphone

If you’re like most people, you probably rely heavily on your iPhone for email. So it can be frustrating when deleted emails keep coming back. There are a few possible reasons for this, and we’ll go over them all here.

One possibility is that you’re not actually deleting the emails from your account, but only from your iPhone’s inbox. To delete an email from your account completely, you need to access the account on a computer and delete it from there. Another possibility is that you have an email account that is set up to automatically save copies of all emails.

This means that even if you delete an email on your iPhone, a copy is still saved on the server. To fix this, you need to change the settings in your email account so that only messages older than a certain number of days are kept on the server. Finally, it’s also possible that your iPhone is set to sync with another device or service that has a copy of the deleted emails.

For example, if you use iCloud to sync your contacts and calendar information, any deleted emails will also be synced and restored to your iPhone. To prevent this from happening, you need to turn off iCloud synchronization for email in the Settings app on your iPhone.

Why Do My Emails Keep Reloading on My Iphone

There are a few potential reasons for why your emails might keep reloading on your iPhone. One possibility is that you have Push enabled for your email accounts, which means that new messages are pushed to your device as they come in. If you’re constantly getting new messages, this can cause your inbox to keep reloading.

Another possibility is that you have Fetch enabled for your email accounts, which means that your iPhone will periodically check for new messages and download them automatically. If you have Fetch set to a shorter interval, this can also cause your inbox to keep reloading. Finally, it’s possible that there’s something wrong with the email servers themselves, which could be causing delays in loading or refreshing your inbox.

If you’re unsure of which of these settings is causing the problem, you can try disabling Push and Fetch for all of your email accounts and seeing if that fixes the issue. To do this, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data and toggle the switches next to each account from “On” to “Off.” You can always re-enable these settings later if you find that disabling them was what caused the problem in the first place.

Why Do My Emails Keep Coming Back After I Delete Them on My Ipad

If you’re like most people, you probably use your iPad to check and manage your email on a daily basis. So it can be frustrating when you delete an email only to have it reappear in your inbox later. There are a few possible reasons why this might happen.

One possibility is that you’re using IMAP instead of POP for your email account. When you delete an email from an IMAP account, it’s not actually deleted from the server. Instead, it’s marked as “deleted” and moved to a special folder called “Trash.”

The next time you sync your iPad with the server, the Trash folder will be emptied and the emails will be permanently deleted. However, if for some reason the Trash folder doesn’t get emptied (perhaps because your iPad isn’t connected to the Internet at the time), then the emails will reappear in your inbox when you next sync. Another possibility is that you have more than one device synced with your email account (such as a laptop or another tablet).

In this case, deleting the email on one device won’t remove it from the others unless you also delete it on those devices as well. Finally, it’s also possible that there’s something wrong with your email account itself. If you’re repeatedly seeing emails reappear after deleting them, try contacting your email provider for help troubleshooting the issue.


If you’re wondering why your emails aren’t staying deleted on your iPhone, there are a few possible explanations. It could be that you’re not actually deleting the emails, but only moving them to a different mailbox. Or, it’s possible that you have email synchronization turned on, which means that your emails are being backed up and saved somewhere else.

Whatever the reason, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue and get your emails deleted for good.

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