Seizures Meaning in Urdu

Seizures, known as “Falij” in Urdu, are neurological events characterized by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. They can manifest in various forms and affect people of all ages. Understanding seizures, their symptoms, causes, and treatments is crucial for proper management and support. This article aims to provide comprehensive insights into the meaning of seizures in Urdu.

What are Seizures?

Seizures occur when there is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. This disruption can lead to changes in behavior, movements, or consciousness. Seizures can vary in intensity and duration, ranging from mild episodes to severe convulsions. They can be a one-time occurrence or a recurrent condition.

Types of Seizures

Generalized Seizures

Generalized seizures affect both sides of the brain and typically involve loss of consciousness. These seizures may cause convulsions, muscle rigidity, or sudden falls.

Focal Seizures

Focal seizures, also known as partial seizures, originate in one specific area of the brain. They can cause localized symptoms, such as twitching, numbness, or changes in sensations or emotions.

Absence Seizures

Absence seizures, common in children, involve brief lapses of consciousness. During an absence seizure, the individual may appear to be staring blankly into space and may not respond to external stimuli.

seizures meaning in urdu

Symptoms of Seizures

Seizure symptoms can vary depending on the type and severity of the seizure. Common symptoms include:

  • Physical Symptoms: Convulsions, muscle stiffness, jerking movements, and loss of bladder or bowel control.
  • Emotional Symptoms: Fear, anxiety, confusion, and déjà vu experiences.

Causes of Seizures

Several factors can contribute to the development of seizures, including:

  • Epilepsy: A neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures.
  • Brain Injuries: Traumatic brain injuries, strokes, or tumors can trigger seizures.
  • Infections: Certain infections, such as meningitis or encephalitis, can lead to seizures.

Diagnosis of Seizures

Diagnosing seizures involves a comprehensive evaluation, including:

  • Medical History: Understanding the individual’s medical history, including any previous seizure episodes.
  • Physical Examination: Assessing neurological function and conducting tests to identify potential underlying causes.
  • Diagnostic Tests: EEG (electroencephalogram), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), and blood tests may be performed to diagnose seizures.

Treatment for Seizures

Treatment for seizures aims to control symptoms and prevent future episodes. Options may include:

  • Medications: Antiepileptic drugs can help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Avoiding triggers, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and managing stress can help manage seizures.
  • Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be recommended to remove or alter the area of the brain causing seizures.

Living with Seizures

Living with seizures requires proactive management and support. Strategies for coping include:

  • Managing Triggers: Identifying and avoiding triggers such as lack of sleep, stress, or alcohol consumption.
  • Support Systems: Building a strong support network of family, friends, and healthcare professionals can provide emotional and practical support.


Understanding the meaning of seizures in Urdu is essential for promoting awareness and facilitating better support for individuals affected by this neurological condition. By recognizing the types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for seizures, we can enhance the quality of life for those living with this condition.


Can seizures be cured completely?

While some individuals may achieve seizure control with treatment, there is currently no cure for epilepsy or seizures. Treatment aims to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Are seizures contagious?

No, seizures are not contagious. They are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain and cannot be transmitted from person to person.

Can stress trigger seizures?

Yes, stress is a common trigger for seizures in some individuals. Managing stress through relaxation techniques and lifestyle changes may help reduce seizure frequency.

Are all seizures accompanied by convulsions?

No, not all seizures involve convulsions. Some seizures may manifest as brief lapses of consciousness or subtle changes in behavior or sensations.

Can seizures be fatal?

While most seizures are not life-threatening, some types, such as prolonged seizures or status epilepticus, can be medical emergencies requiring immediate intervention.