Khulna Development Authority KDA Job Circular 2021 –

Khulna Development Authority KDA job circular has been published by the authority. It’s an attractive job circular. Many people want to job like this. It’s a valuable job Circular to unemployed people. Most of the unemployed people have been passed SSC & HSC exam but they have not get a job. This  job circular bring out a good news for the unemployed people.

Keeping in mind the problem as mentioned in the introduction, KDA was created as semi-autonomous body on 21 January 1961 by the then East Pakistan Govt. by an ordinance called ‘The Khulna Development Authority Ordinance, 1961. It was established for planned development and expansion of Khulna City and its suburb areas. At present KDA is working under the Ministry of Housing and Public works of the Government.

If you want to apply this job, you can submit your application within 02 December 2021. Khulna Development Authority KDA job circular has been converted to an image file for the people. If Khulna Development Authority KDA job circular can be convert then people will easily read & download the job circular. That converted image file has been given bellow.

Khulna Development Authority KDA Job Circular

  • Source: Official website
  • Location » khulna 
  • Application Deadline: 2 December 2021

I hope you already know Khulna Development Authority (KDA) job circular. If you want more govt jobs, Bank jobs, Company Jobs in Khulna then check our latest jobs news at Thanks for stay with us.