How to Set Non-Root Delete in Linux

In a Linux operating system, the root user is the highest level of access and has complete control over the system. This includes the ability to delete any file, regardless of its permissions or owner. While this level of access can be useful for certain tasks, it can also pose a potential security risk if not handled properly.

To set non-root delete in Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window: To begin, open a terminal window on your Linux system. You can do this by clicking on the terminal icon in the taskbar or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard.
  2. Become the root user: In order to set non-root delete, you will need to become the root user. You can do this by entering the command “sudo su” and entering your password when prompted.
  3. Edit the file permissions: To set non-root delete, you will need to edit the file permissions for the file or directory you want to delete. You can do this using the “chmod” command. For example, to allow all users to delete a file called “file.txt”, you would enter the command “chmod 777 file.txt”. This will give all users read, write, and execute permissions for the file.
  4. Test the delete function: Once you have set the file permissions, you can test the delete function by trying to delete the file as a non-root user. If the delete is successful, it means that non-root delete has been set successfully.

It’s important to note that setting non-root delete can potentially expose your system to security risks if not used carefully. Make sure to use this feature only when necessary and always exercise caution when deleting files as a non-root user.

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