How Do You Delete Hidden Apps from the App Store?

To delete an app from the App Store, you must first hide the app from your purchase history. To do this, open the App Store and go to your account by tapping on your profile picture in the top right corner. Next, tap “Purchased” and then “My Purchases”.

Find the app you want to delete, then swipe left and tap “Hide”. The app will now be hidden from your purchase history. If you want to completely delete the app and all of its data, you can do so by going to Settings > General > Storage & iCloud Usage > Manage Storage.

Here you will see a list of all apps on your device including hidden apps. Tap on the app you want to delete and then select “Delete App”.

If you’re looking to get rid of some hidden apps from your App Store, there are a few ways to do it. One way is to go into your device’s Settings app and look for the app in question under the “Storage” section. From here, you can select the app and tap on the “Delete App” button.

Another way to delete hidden apps is by using iTunes on your computer. Connect your device to your computer and open up iTunes. Select your device from the sidebar and then click on the “Apps” tab.

Here, you’ll see all of the apps that are installed on your device, including any hidden ones. To delete an app, simply click on the X next to it and confirm when prompted.

How Do You Delete Hidden Apps from the App Store?


How Do I Delete Hidden Apps on My Iphone App Store?

When you delete an app from your iPhone, you can either delete the app completely or hide it from your App Store purchase history. If you want to get rid of an app for good, you have to delete it from your phone and then remove it from your iTunes purchase history. Here’s how:

Open the App Store app on your iPhone. Tap the profile icon in the top right corner. Tap Purchased.

If you use Family Sharing and want to see what apps others have purchased, tap Family Purchases at the top of the screen. Find the app that you want to delete, then swipe left on it and tap Delete. Or, tap Edit in the top right corner of the screen and then tap the X next to the app that you want to delete.

How Do I Delete Apps That are Hidden?

If you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 7 or later, you can delete apps that are hidden from your Home screen. Just follow these simple steps: 1. Tap and hold down on any icon on the Home screen until all of the icons start jiggling.

2. Find the app that you want to delete and tap on the X in the corner of its icon. 3. Tap Delete when prompted to confirm that you want to delete the app. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for any other hidden apps that you want to delete.

5. Press the Home button when you’re finished deleting apps to stop the icons from jiggling and return to normal mode.

How Do I Permanently Delete Hidden Purchases from Apple?

If you have hidden purchases on your Apple account, you can delete them permanently by taking the following steps: 1. Log into your Apple ID account page. 2. Click on the “Manage Your Apple ID” button.

3. Enter your password when prompted and click on the “Verify Address” button. 4. Scroll down to the “Settings” section and click on the “show all” link next to the “Hidden Purchases” heading. 5. Click on the “Edit” button next to each purchase that you want to delete.

6. Click on the “Delete Purchase” button and confirm by clicking on the “Delete Purchase” button again when prompted.

How to Delete Hidden Apps on App Store

If you’ve ever wondered how to delete hidden apps on the App Store, wonder no more! Here’s a step-by-step guide: 1. Launch the App Store app from your Home screen.

2. Tap on the Today tab at the bottom of the screen. It looks like a calendar date. 3. Tap on your profile photo in the top right corner of the screen.

4. Scroll down and tap Hidden Purchases under iTunes & App Store Preferences. 5. You may be asked to enter your password again at this point. 6. Find the app or apps you want to delete and tap Unhide next to it/them.

A pop-up window will appear asking if you’re sure you want to unhide the app; tap Unhide again to confirm your decision. 7 . The app will now be visible in your list of purchases; simply swipe left on it and tap Delete when prompted in order to remove it from your device for good!

How to Permanently Delete Hidden Apps on Iphone

When you delete an app from your iPhone, it doesn’t completely disappear. Instead, it goes into a hidden folder where it is stored but not visible to you. This can be a problem if you are trying to free up space on your device or if you want to make sure that an app is completely gone.

In order to permanently delete hidden apps on your iPhone, you need to use a special method called “Erase All Content and Settings”. This will erase everything on your device, including any hidden apps. To do this, go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings.

Keep in mind that this will also erase all of your personal data so make sure that you have backups of everything before proceeding.

How to Delete Apps That are Hidden from Home Screen

It can be really annoying when you have an app that is hidden from your home screen, but you can’t seem to find a way to delete it. Here’s how to do it: 1. First, open up the Settings app on your device.

2. Scroll down and tap on “General.” 3. Next, tap on “Restrictions.” 4. Enter your Restrictions passcode (if you have one set).

5. Scroll down and find the app that you want to delete.

How to Delete Hidden Apps on Android

If you’re like most people, you probably have a few hidden apps on your Android device. Whether they’re secret messaging apps or games that you don’t want anyone to know about, there are a few ways to delete them from your device. To start, open up the Settings app on your device and tap on “Apps.”

From there, find the app that you want to delete and tap on it. On the next screen, tap on the “Uninstall” button. This will remove the app from your device.

If you’re trying to delete a system app, such as one that came pre-installed on your device, you’ll first need to root your device. Rooting gives you access to the internal file system of your Android device, which allows you to modify or delete system files. Once you’ve rooted your device, follow the steps above to uninstall the app.

Keep in mind that uninstalling a system app may cause problems with other apps on your device. If an app relies on another system app to function properly, uninstalling one may break the other. So if you’re not sure what you’re doing, it’s best to leave system apps alone.


You may not know this, but there are actually a ton of hidden apps in the App Store. These are apps that are not listed in the main App Store, and they can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look. But why would someone want to hide an app in the first place?

Well, there could be a number of reasons. Maybe the app is still in development and isn’t ready for public release yet. Or maybe the app is only meant for a specific group of people, like employees of a company.

Whatever the reason, it’s actually pretty easy to find and delete these hidden apps from your device. Here’s how: 1. Open up the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Tap on the Search tab at the bottom of the screen (the magnifying glass icon). 3. In the search bar, type in “all” without quotation marks. This will bring up all of the apps that are currently installed on your device, including hidden ones.

4. Find the hidden app that you want to delete and tap on it to open up its page in the App Store. 5 . Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap on Delete This App .

You’ll be prompted to confirm your decision – just tap Delete again when you’re sure you want to get rid of it!

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