How Do I Change My Runescape Login Email?

If you need to change your email address for your RuneScape account, please contact our Customer Support team.

If you’re looking to change your Runescape login email, here’s what you need to do: 1. Log into your account management page 2. Click on the “Change Email” tab

3. Enter your new email address and click “Update Email” 4. You will then be sent a confirmation code to your new email address – enter this code in the box provided and click “Confirm Email” 5. That’s it!

Your Runescape login email has now been successfully updated.

How Do I Change My Runescape Login Email?


How Do I Add an Email to My Runescape Account?

To add an email address to your RuneScape account, log in to the account management website and select the ‘Email Addresses’ tab. From there, you can enter a new email address and confirm it by clicking on the link that will be sent to that address.

When Did Runescape Change to Email Login?

Since its launch in 2001, RuneScape has undergone many changes and updates. One of the most significant changes was the switch from username login to email login. This change took place in 2010, when Jagex updated the game’s login system.

Prior to this change, players would log into the game using their username and password. However, with the new email login system, players had to use their email address and password to log into the game. While this may seem like a minor change, it actually made a big difference in how secure and convenient the game was to play.

Before 2010, if a player forgot their RuneScape password, they would have to contact Jagex customer support in order to reset it. However, with the new email login system, players could simply go to the “Forgot Password” page on the RuneScape website and enter their email address. They would then receive an email from Jagex with instructions on how to reset their password.

This made it much easier for players to recover their account if they forgot their password.

Can You Change Runescape Login Name?

Yes, it is possible to change your RuneScape login name. You can do this by logging into your account and going to the account management page. From there, you will be able to change your username and password.

Keep in mind that you will not be able to use your old username or password once you have changed them.

Do You Need a New Email for Each Runescape Account?

There are a few things to take into account when deciding whether or not you need a new email for each RuneScape account. The first is how many accounts you have. If you only have one or two, it’s probably not necessary to create separate emails.

However, if you have multiple accounts, it might be helpful to use different emails so that you can keep track of them more easily. Additionally, consider how often you play each account. If you only login to one every once in awhile, using the same email isn’t as important.

However, if you’re regularly playing all of your accounts, it might be worth having separate emails so that you can more easily keep track of messages and notifications from the game.

Change Login Email Runescape

Change Login Email Runescape Do you want to change your email address for logging into your RuneScape account? Here’s how!

First, log into your account management page. Second, click the “Edit” button next to your email address. Finally, enter in your new email address and click the “Save Changes” button.

That’s it! From now on, you’ll use this new email address whenever you log into RuneScape.

How to Change Runescape Email Without Knowing It

If you’re one of those people who have more than one email address, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to change your Runescape email without knowing it. This can be a problem if you’ve forgotten which email address you used to sign up for your account. Fortunately, there is a way to change your email address without having to go through customer support.

Here’s how: First, log into your account on the Runescape website. Click on the “My Account” tab at the top of the page, and then click on the “Change Details” link.

On the next page, scroll down to the “Email Address” section and click on the “Change Email Address” button. Enter your new email address in the first field, and then enter your password in the second field. Finally, click on the “Update Email Address” button.

That’s all there is to it! Your new email address will now be associated with your account and you’ll be able to use it to log in and play as usual.

Osrs Change Login Email

As many of you know, we’ve been working on some big changes to the way Old School RuneScape is played. One of those changes is the introduction of a new login system, which will allow players to log in with their email address instead of their username. We know that some of you have concerns about this change, so we wanted to take a moment to address them.

First and foremost, your username will still be your primary means of identification in-game. You’ll still be able to use it to log in and chat with other players. The only difference is that you’ll also be able to log in with your email address if you prefer.

Secondly, your email address will not be visible to other players. It’s only used for logging in, and we won’t share it with anyone else without your explicit consent. Thirdly, we understand that some of you may not want to change your login details.

That’s perfectly fine! You can continue to use your username as normal, and your account will remain secure. However, we would encourage you to switch to using your email address at some point down the line, as it’s a more secure way of logging in (more on that below).

Fourthly, we want to reassure you that all of your account information is safe and secure. We would never do anything that would put our player’s accounts at risk – security is our top priority! However, we would recommend switching to using an email address as your primary means of logging in from now on for added security measures .

Old School Runescape Login

Old School Runescape is an MMORPG with capabilities for players to login and play from anywhere in the world. The game is set in the medieval era of Gielinor, and offers a wide variety of activities to keep players engaged. These include combat, crafting, fishing, farming, and more.

There are also many social aspects to the game, such as player-run clans and events.


If you’re looking to change your Runescape login email, there’s a few steps you’ll need to follow. First, head to the account settings page on the official Runescape website. From there, you’ll need to enter your current password, as well as the new email address you want to use.

Once that’s all set, simply click the ‘Change Email’ button and you’re good to go!

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