MIS molwa gov bd freedom fighter list print from ff molwa gov bd. Anyone can use the muktijuddho montronaloy website to find out about freedom fighters’ names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. To know the Gazette’s name or check the Freedom Fighter image, you can use www.molwa.gov.bd. Keep reading for latest (মুক্তিযোদ্ধা মন্ত্রণালয়ের সর্বশেষ সংবাদ) on molwa gov bd and also on this article.
www.molwa.gov.bd new list 2022
It’s very easy to find Freedom Fighter through mis.molwa.gov.bd or ff.molwa.gov.bd‘s official websites. Now we will guide you on how to get your own location from the ff (Freedom Fighter) people.

- Go to this link
- Select your division, district, upazila, name, freedom fighter type, gezzet number, and freedom fighter number.
- Click the “অনুসন্ধান” button to get your desired Freedom Fighter information.

- Go to this second link
- Select your division.
- Choose Upazila
- And Click অনুসন্ধান করুন Button
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I hope you have already downloaded or printed the new list 2022 from www.molwa.gov.bd.We don’t store any freedom fighter information on our website. Please read their privacy policy and use the rules on how to get mis molwa gov bd freedom fighter list details. Thanks for staying with us.