Online Registration

If you are a student in Bangladesh who is looking for a stipend, you can go to the estipend website and register. We are going to create an account on e-Stipend. The Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust will provide a stipend for the student who is a regular student studying at degree (pass) or fazil level. Before applying, estipend pmeat gov bd read some eligibility criteria that we also mentioned below this article.

Estipend pmeat Registration

  1. Go to
  2. Click the “Register” button and select your graduation type as Degree or Fazil.
  3. Choose the educational year, institution affiliation, academic year, bachelor’s registration number, HSC registration number, and HSC roll number.
  4. Enter your mobile number and check the box for verification.
  5. Finally, click the “Register” button.

A few seconds later, you will receive a verification code on your mobile. Enter the verification code and click the submit button.

Now set your password.

Welcome now you can able to login using your registration number and password. Dashboard

On this page you will find the PMEAT Scholarship circular download button and an application with a deadline.
Download the scholarship circular and click the Apply button.

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