Without a mobile app, people can buy tickets from e ticket railway gov bd. You can order railway tickets after www eticket railway gov bd login. Bangladesh railway online ticket booking time and schedule will appear like sohoj railway ticket purchase system. Bangladesh railway ticket price and order page will be visible after etiket railway gov bd registration using an email account. Now we are going to check all about railway ticket information. So, keep reading this article to buy a ticket without using Bangladesh Railway Apps or Shohoz.com train tickets.
Buy Online Train Tickets – www.eticket.railway.gov.bd.
Make sure you know the details about Bangladesh’s railway schedule. Forget about the railway app service because tickets are not available on that application. You have to register on their online website first for their new rules about train tickets.

Go to www.eticket.railway.gov.bd.
- Click on the ‘Registration’ button.
- Fill in the relevant fields under “Personal Information’.
- Enter the security code.
- Click on the “register” button.
- If the registration is successful, an email will be sent from the e-ticketing system.
- Click on the ‘Click’ link in the email.
- Log in to the ‘Log in’ panel.
- Click on the ‘Purchase ticket’ button.
eticket railway gov bd login

- Go to https://eticket.railway.gov.bd login page.
- Fill in the date, starting station, destination station, train name, class, and ticket number as per your requirement.
- On the next page, ‘Registration Seat Available’ will give the required ticket and its price.
- If you have a ticket, click on the ‘Purchase ticket’ button.
- The ticket price will be deducted from the passenger’s deposit from the credit card, cash card or BRAC bank account and the ticket is confirmed by sending the e-ticket to the passenger’s e-mail.
- Print the ticket sent from the e-mail message box along with the photo ID and provide the e-ticket printed ‘Ticket Print Information’ and collect the printed ticket from the respective source station before departure.
Verify Train tickets online
For check your ticket status, please enter your PNR/Ticket Number and the mobile number you used during the ticket purchase.

I hope you are now able to create an account on eticket railway gov bd. After one time registration on http://eticket.railway.gov.bd, you can order tickets for the full month. You don’t need to worry about seats, ticket prices, etc. If you face any problem buying e train ticket online, then contact us.