The U.S. State Department has begun accepting applications for visas for immigrants through lotteries. DV Lottery 2022 registration from Bangladesh. As a result, 55,000 lottery applicants from the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program or DV visa will have the opportunity to reside in the United States. The submission of lottery applications for DV lottery 2022 has started on October 8. This application can be submitted till November 10. However, this time the citizens of India and about 20 other countries will not get the opportunity to apply.
Until 2012, Bangladesh was covered by various immigrant lottery visas or DV lotteries to stay legally in the United States. But as the number of migrants from Bangladesh to the United States increased day by day, the name of Bangladesh was removed from the visa program in 2013 and has been in force since then.
What is DV lottery 2022?
The American government grants American citizenship from time to time through lotteries. The winners of this lottery are taken to the United States by the American government almost free of charge and are offered jobs with citizenship. The whole process is done through a lottery. And the name of this lottery is ‘DV lottery.’ Getting the DV lottery 2022 is a matter of luck. Those who have gone to America after winning the DV lottery to date have never looked back.
The State Department says more than 50,000 people have been granted residency in the United States in the past five years, and citizens of several countries will not be able to apply for a DV this time. The countries are Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, United Kingdom and Vietnam.
The U.S. State Department says those selected by lottery from DV visa applicants must meet certain simple conditions. This includes qualifications related to educational or work experience. Candidates must have at least 12 years of formal education or have at least two years of training or employment experience in the last five years. The State Department has repeatedly warned against applying. It has been said that such applications will be identified through sensitive terms and it has been rejected.
How to apply for DV lottery 2022?
All that needs to be filled while applying:
Carefully fill out the following application form on the DV website
1. Full name of the applicant
2. Date of birth
3. Place of birth (city/district in which the candidate was born / as mentioned in the birth registration card)
4. Country
5. Photo of the applicant
6. Full address
7. Currently living in the country.
8. Mobile number
9. E-mail address
10. Educational qualification
11. Marital status
12. Number of children
13. Husband/wife information
14. Child information
When to participate DV lottery 2022?
The registration period begins on October 7, 2022, and ends on Tuesday, November 4, 2022. Candidates who submit more than one application are disqualified.
Once selected for the lottery, applicants must meet simple but rigorous criteria to obtain residencies such as the education and work experience requirement that can be met through a high school diploma (or equivalent) or 2 years of work experience (in the previous 5 years) in a qualified professional.
The selection of the candidate offers the same the possibility to apply for and receive permanent residence in the United States after satisfying the above requirements. In other words, “winning” the “green card” lottery does not automatically grant permanent residence in the United States. The selection of the candidate allows the possibility to send the request for permanent residence.
Please note the importance of the photo required for submitting the registration. Unfortunately, many applications every year are discarded only because the photo does not meet the technical requirements outlined in the instructions. For more information on the Diversity Visa Program and its requirements, visit the Department of State website.
Tips for those who want to win the 2022 DV Lottery
This week the registration period to participate in the United States Diversity Visa Program for 2022 (DV-2022) opened, which closes on November 10.
Through the Immigrant Visa Lottery, the U.S. will give away 55,000 green cards to foreigners. Participation is simple and free.
The Instructions for the DV lottery 2022 explain exactly how to enter the draw, who qualifies and who does not, and has a section of frequently asked questions and answers, among which the requirement of a valid and current passport to participate stands out. In the Visa Lottery.
Due to the enormous interest in this popular DV lottery 2022 program that allows to live and work legally in the United States. Last year in DV-2021, 6,741,128 people participated worldwide or 11,830,707 if their relatives or “derivatives” were included. The Bureau of Consular Affairs of the Department of State has published on its Twitter account general advice for applicants.