16th NTRCA written Exam Result published. This exam was start on 15 & 16 November 2019. There are total 1,54,665 candidate was attend in exam hall. Finally NTRCA Official website disclose 16th exam (written) Result at ntrca.teletalk.com.bd.
16th NTRCA written Result
- Total Selected: 22,398
- School-2: 1,203
- School: 17,140
- College: 4,055
- Passing score: 14.48%
- Viva Date: will be publish on official website
People already get their 16th NTRCA Written Result to their Mobile by SMS. Candidate who selected Teletalk Mobile operator send result to their phone. Thanks for keep visit our website. Stay with Us for updated NTRCA Result & Notice News.